TIYA LOVE GENELIA . Hi me myself Tiya a BiGest fans of Angel Genelia D'Souza i create this site dedicated to my Fairy AnGenelia im from Bekasi Indonesia but i love India somuch
About Me . Angel Lates Uploads . . My Angel Art . . Angel Photo Gallery MY CUTE ANGEL . ANGEL MOVIE GALLERY SONGS MID-DAY DAILY DIARIES BY ANGEL VIDEO NEWS Angel Upcoming Movie with Rana Angel Was About to Get Married . FORCE Angel up coming movie with John Abraham FORCE HAS AMAZING ACTION AND HEARTFELT LOVE STORY TOI reported that Force is likely to releas in Mid-2011 and has the market excited because it will be high on action element, Vipul D Shah says that the film has some spectacullar action sequence that "are goin to be first for Indian audience". Vipul adds for complete news visit : GeneliaOnline news FORCE Now you don't have to be a 'punk rocker ' or a rapper to streak your hair green. Hair colour this season ranges from the funky to unusual and even bizzarre --- think electric blue , neon green and even an eye-popping fuschia it's like an artist gone wild. International celebs like Niki Minaj have been sporting the style as well as some closer home, like Pryanka Copra , who had everyone sitting up and taking notice of her bright blue streak. not forgetting Genelia D'Souza . The latter added spunk to her look by sporting pink streak for a while. . Other Site Link . . . . Home